Airport Wayfinding is Here

by Ashley Toney on October 12, 2018

Ease the passenger’s self-guided journey throughout your airport

Wayfinding Kiosk

October 12, 2018

Flying can be stressful and overwhelming for travelers trying to navigate their way through an unfamiliar airport. We’re here to help you enhance the passenger experience – which is why Airport Wayfinding has finally landed.

Airport wayfinding features user-friendly maps of your interior floors coupled with an interactive touchscreen, allowing for intuitive and easy navigation. Passengers interact with the screen to retrieve directions to their selected destinations through a combination of signals and visual cues.

Through the fast and independent retrieval of directions, guests can find the information they need, self-sufficiently. This reduces the number of related inquiries to staff, allowing employees to focus their attention on other operational needs.

Wayfinding also makes it easier for travelers to locate restaurants and shopping opportunities. Highlighting your concessions and services, wayfinding directs traffic to your revenue centers, and by presenting a comprehensive picture of your offerings, you help passengers make better-informed decisions on where they spend their time.

Interested in finding out more about adding wayfinding to your terminals? Let us know!